Fall 2024 Beekeeping Classes

Fall 2024 Beekeeping Classes

An Introduction to Beekeeping (101) 7 – 28 October 2024 (Monday’s Only)

WAB Fall 2024 Beekeeping Class is offered at $40.00 per student and price includes PSU Beekeeping Basic Book and Course Materials.

How to join the Class: Preregistration is not required; however, we can only accommodate twenty students. First Come-First Serve. If we cannot accommodate you in this class, we will be holding another one in the early spring, and you will be first on the list for that class. Cash and Check payments are also accepted on the first day of class.

What you will learn:

Day-1: 7 Oct 2024
Introductions & Course Overview
Bee Biology and Colony Structure

Day-2: 14 Oct 2024
Beekeeping Resources and General Advice
Hive Components, Tools, and Equipment
Selecting Ideal Locations for your Apiary

Day-3: 21 Oct 2024
Pests, Diseases, and Treatments

Day-4: 28 Oct 2024
Hive Inspections and Seasonal Management
Nutrition, Feeding your Bees
Honey Harvesting
Course Review

Send an email to info@wabava.org if you have any questions about this class or our club.

Click on a payment option below to sign up!